“Live like a wildflower. Search for sunshine. Grow after the rain. Embrace your uniqueness.” – CM Writer
Highlights from the FCNS Summer Extension Program 2025
We offered 10 weeks of summer programming from June 16th through August 22nd!
5 days each week* from 9am to 1pm
*Week 1 – 4 days (June 16, 17, 18, 20) | Week 3 – 3 days (June 30, July 1 & 2)
Extended hours* until 3pm
*Extended hours require a minimum # of students registered to be offered
Open to all children 2.0 to 7 years old
Children do not need to be enrolled in our school-year program to attend.
Children going into 1st Grade are eligible to attend.
School-year staff teach the summer program classes
Small class sizes – limited spaces available
Spacious, shaded playground and 5 acres of woodland
Water-play of many kinds, nature activities and outdoor art
The Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) is the licensing authority by which Framingham Centre Nursery School and its Summer Extension Program are regulated.

Summer Payments and Refund Policy
To enroll for the Summer Program, complete the registration form. There is a $20 registration fee per child that will be billed at the time of enrollment.
Summer tuition will be due on June 1st for the weekly enrollment option. Tuition for the full 10 weeks will be billed in 3 payments – June 1st, July 1st and August 1st.
REFUNDS: For weekly sessions, if notification of withdrawal is given 3 weeks prior to the date of enrollment, tuition will be refunded minus a $50 service fee or, if space allows, the tuition can be applied to a different week.
For full summer enrollment, if notification of withdrawal is received by June 10th, the 1st tuition payment will be refunded minus a $50 service fee. If notification of withdrawal is given between June 11th and June 28th, the 1st tuition payment is not refundable and the 2nd and 3rd payments will be waived. If notification of August withdrawal is given by July 1st, the 3rd tuition payment will be waived. If notification of withdrawal is given after July 2nd, tuition is not refundable.